Tuesday 17 March 2020

As you would all be aware the number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus or COVID-19, both internationally and within Australia, has continued to rise. From 15 March 2020 the NSW Government under the Public Health Act 2010 issued the Public Health Order (COVID-19 Public Events) Order 2020.

This order forbids public events which there are or are likely to be 500 people or more in attendance at any one time with fines for non-compliance varying between $5500 and $55,000. NRLX sales would historically not have an attendance of 500 or more people and on this basis NRLX sales will continue at this point in time until further notice or advice. This includes Wednesday 18 March and  Friday 20 March.

Given information available to date, it is vital that NRLX and its agents be vigilant, respectful of others and adhere to best practices at our facility to ensure the welfare of all our stakeholders. With advice from The Australian Livestock & Property Agents Association and the Australian Livestock Markets Association, the NRLX and the Casino Auctioneers Association Incorporated will be requesting that all visitors complete a declaration prior to entering the facility along with names, address and phone number. This will provide traceability of attendees. We understand this may be viewed as an inconvenience, but we need to take all necessary steps to ensure ongoing sales for vendors and the industry at large.

Given the significant impacts this pandemic is causing across the country, NRLX will prohibit non-essential personnel from attending sales to minimise the potential risk of spreading the virus.

NRLX and agents understand it can be important for some vendors to see their livestock sold and that the saleyard is traditionally a social gathering. However, in the aim of continuing sales and minimising the risks associated with COVID-19, it is necessary that non-essential personnel are prohibited to assist all involved including buyers, agents, workers and vendors. Many of our clients can be vulnerable and severely affected if transmission were to occur and, being prudent, the most susceptible to the virus are the elderly and we ask them to respectfully consider their attendance for their own wellbeing.

We ask that essential personnel follow the below instructions as access will not be permitted to any essential personnel who:

  • are suffering from coronavirus symptoms, flu symptoms or is otherwise unwell;
  • have been to a country considered at higher risk of COVID-19 in the past 14 days, currently China, Iran, Italy and South Korea;
  • are subject to self-isolation requirements imposed by the Australian Government;
  • have been in contact with a person suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19.

What are the general hygiene measures saleyards should be considering for its workers and visitors?

  • Regular hand washing with soap and potable water (minimum 20 seconds) after touching animals or animal products. Please use our bathrooms to wash your hands and if soap becomes depleted during the day please let us know so we can attend to this immediately.
  • Hand sanitiser can be used in place of soap and water but is not considered as effective. NRLX will have hand sanitiser available in the canteen, administration, entry and scale house.
  • Avoiding touching eyes, nose or mouth with hands and avoiding unnecessary contact with sick animals or spoiled animal products.
  • Sneeze or cough into your elbow or clean tissue.
  • Practice social distancing where possible and do not shake hands.
  • If you have symptoms you must self-isolate and seek immediate medical advice.
  • If we notice flu like symptoms from you and we kindly ask you to leave please follow our team’s directions.

NSW Health is the reliable source of up-to-date information on the coronavirus COVID-19.